it feels like ages since ive posted anything on here ;)
chemistry exam today... twas a total fail . thats all im gunna say.
oh, btw im loving rihannas new song (rockstar 101) tisss mazing.
i am dissapointed with the england/germany score yesterday too. 4-1 well, it was 4-2 but that stupid ref. didnt let us have the goal. wee were discusted :/
We were at meadowhall too so we watched it on the big screen :) it was hilarious in theapple shop too, there were some well fit shop assistants ;) and then frances started randomly talking to some wierdos. VERY embarassing.
oh by the way the fittest employees work in hollister ;) <3
A x
I wasn;t ebing embarasing you two were acting like two yr olds that some really fit boy started talkin tah eventhough they werent fit, you really showed yourselfs up :|