Wednesday, 9 June 2010

i want to kiss you under your umbrella.

right guys,
sorry guys,
i apologize.

my blog is officially the worst blog i have ever read. i have nothing to talk about so it isnt interesting so i fill it with anger and sadness. what a great impression you have of me.

Actually... i had an exam today. an AS exam. maths. i hear you ask, ooh so shes in 6th form. well you are wrong, i am in year 9. hahaha , no seriously. i am.

Thats it really...

but if only someone read my blog... i mean who blogs these days anyway??? :/ hmmm...

i shall go and enjoy my arctic roll now ;) how i love arctic roll...
*nom nom nom*

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you must be pretty good at maths ;)

    Don't worry, it's always slow to start, I still only have 11 followers.. they'll all be coming soon! Add more blogs and comment and you should get more :)

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog :)

    Bali x
