Monday, 7 June 2010

the past... the present

ok... all this stuff is new to me so i bid you to be prepared!!!
Today. today, a new half term. yey i am so glad : i understand that school years are the best years of your life but i just can't seem to help myself to dislike shcool. yes my marks are good, yes all my friends are there, but i just want to be free to do my own thing.
Today went fast - thank god. but i still wish it was last week. cruising round the med with my grandparents and my two cousins. ok my granny was moaning all the time, ok ben* (*name changed for security purposes ;) ) was doing my head in. but someone made the trip worthwhile :) . the thing is i didnt even know his name... i never talked to him but yet i felt so deeply. how? i dont understand myself. some music i listened to while i was there i can no longer listen to because it hurts. for gods sake i didnt even know him. but the thing is i didnt see him for days. until the bus to the carpark on the way home that was. i was thrilled. when i got off the bus i saw him standing there with his parents, i was somehow disheartened because he didnt even take a look at me (yes, selfish i know) but the thing is, every time i saw him he would just look at me or keep glancing at me. it just wasnt right. but i knew that would be the last time i would see him. so i thought i would just be happy with seeing him.
Soon after i found out someone had knicked my grandads suitcase, i just felt something inside me think it was him or he knew something or had something to do with it. i had no reason though, only he wasnt looking at me, he maybe didnt even know who i was or didnt even look at me in the first place. it is now being treated as theft. i just have such a strong gut feeling but i cant confess... and if it was him how could i feel for someone like that not even knowing anything about him.

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