Reading Frances' blog today, i realised how utterly bad i am at writing. how utterly booooring my life is. how dull i am.
c'est tout.
ahhh non,
Football. what is with it? England arent going to win, come on, dont get your hopes up. how much better can we get after drawing with America. America!!! Anyway, what is all this with the goalie, leave the guy alone people. look at the amount the actual players get payed to kkick a ball around a field and they only managed to score one goal. moan, moan ,,, moan.
cleaned my great nanna and grandads grave today... i never met my nanna and i met my grandad once. when i had just been born, and (how unfortunately...) he was about to die. i wasnt even meant to go in either, its a good job my mum took me to be honest.
A x
i likee the football thing, haha its cos that man missed it innit?? but tbh loads of people have let goals in so i dont see the big deaal hahaa :L :-) xxlove youuu <3