Wednesday, 30 June 2010

though miles may lie between us, we are never far apart, for friendship doesn't count miles, it's measured by the heart.

Helen* and Andrea* come back tomorrow!!   ... but the thing is i've really enjoyed it without them.

I feel really baaad.  SERIOUSLY!   but i cant help it
    here are my reasons:
- the air is cleaner without them
- i.e there isnt any arguments
- nobody is going off with anyone else
- there isnt any horrible conversations behind peoples backs (very much(about everyone other than me of course because i wouldnt know if it has been done to me)) (has it frances???)
- no EXTREME  mardy-ness

... i think thats all    :P 
But i still feel really bad

A x

*names changed for security reasons

what lovely weather :)))

strappy top on, short skirt on, sunnies on ...  with the lovely crunchie ice cream by my side :))
Utter bliss  ;)

This is what summer should be like - the last week or whatever have been beaut. if only it could be like this every year!
But the thing is...  now june has been like this july and august willl be crappooooo 

We best keep our fingers crossed it will be nice!!! 

A x

Monday, 28 June 2010

today i learnt you can't hoover up reciepts.

it feels like ages since ive posted anything on here ;)  

chemistry exam today...    twas a total fail  . thats all im gunna say.

oh, btw im loving rihannas new song (rockstar 101)  tisss   mazing.

i am dissapointed with the england/germany score yesterday too. 4-1   well, it was 4-2  but that stupid ref. didnt let us have the goal. wee were discusted :/
We were at meadowhall too so we watched it on the big screen :)    it was hilarious in theapple shop too, there were some well fit shop assistants ;) and then frances started randomly talking to some wierdos.   VERY embarassing.

oh by the way  the fittest employees work in hollister   ;)    <3  

A x

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

doo doo d-d-dooo d-d-d-doooo ENGLAND!!!!!!!!

ok i now regret what i said about the british football lads ;))  they totally deserved to win that match!!  1:0 but at least were top of the group!

---> oh shit. usa have jusst scored a goal in like the last minute. were not top of the group anymore.  :(((  
now weve got a tough ride.

A x

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

smile every minute of the day, you never know who is falling in love with it.

i am sooo absolutely proud of the cake i have just made out of the asda magazine! it is goooorgeous --> coconut, dried fruit, cherries pineapple all in a cake!!! :))
its b-e-a-utiful.

Anyway, this morning disaster struck!! francess left her pe bag on the bus because she was too busy waving at me stood waiting for her outside. sooo... we had to miss spanish (because we have it as an extra lesson in the morning) ... how unfortunate. rachel and lauren arrived while we were waiting for the bus to come back.
frances got her bag back, thank god because it had my favourite book in it. but then when we decided to go to spanish late rachel said shed left hers at home so we had to to the process all over again.
So, i had been in spanish about 10 minutes and annabelle (one of the populars) came in and asked for me so i was like 'errrr'. then she went 'what you doing?? its greenaway (you know the kate Greenaway project that the year 3s do but we help)' and then i wo like 'oh'.

and thats where my day started going wrong.

A x

Monday, 21 June 2010

maths, maths... and more maths!!

oh god, i had my maths exam today. yes, the one i have been crying about for froever :P. and i have to say,,,,,,, it didnt go well. not even the whole weekend of revising seemed to have any effect on anything. i forget EVERYTHING. disaster strikes.
At least i had my emergency chocolate with me. and at least i had my rescue herbal remedy ('to help you cope with lifes upa and downs')it actually works... and its made from flower juices :D -- it tastes like wiskey though :)))

I am sooooo glad i have no more maths, module 3 anyway. but ive got a chemistry exam next week ...

A x

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Promise me you'll look after me

Reading Frances' blog today, i realised how utterly bad i am at writing. how utterly booooring my life is. how dull i am.

c'est tout.

ahhh non,

Football. what is with it? England arent going to win, come on, dont get your hopes up. how much better can we get after drawing with America. America!!! Anyway, what is all this with the goalie, leave the guy alone people. look at the amount the actual players get payed to kkick a ball around a field and they only managed to score one goal. moan, moan ,,, moan.

cleaned my great nanna and grandads grave today... i never met my nanna and i met my grandad once. when i had just been born, and (how unfortunately...) he was about to die. i wasnt even meant to go in either, its a good job my mum took me to be honest.

A x

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

**** NEWS FLASH ****

omg omg omg !!
haha i have just found out that crocadiles surf hahaha!!!
They cant swim very well in sea water so they shove themselves onto a piece of bark and 'surf' to where they want to go.

How funny :)

i like crabs

i am soooo glad frances is back (my bestest friend ever!!!). life seems real again.... ;) anyway, having spent this lunchtime having a 'water fight' how much better can it get? :D
- the weather is nice (for a change)
- school went fast
- rachel is back tomorrow...
Yeeeeeyyyy !!!

i've been doing a lot of reading recently too, to stop me thinking and remembering... but now ive decided to read the book my dad made me read i am starting to feel bad for being a bookworm. ive only read a few pages but it seems pretty boring; Apache, thats what its called, its about some red indian warrior. huraaah. i hope it gets better i really do.

Unfortunately, my maths GCSE seems to be worse than my AS. strange... i am so gutted. i have my exam on monday, so i seriously need to start revising (that will be happening in a moment). but the thing is, even though i am doing good in AS, if i dont do well in my GCSE i cant take AS as an option. there arent many choices left either. great, fantastic, super.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

yesterday some aliens ate my ice cream

ok, guys.

happy happy happy

I wasnt earlier though. didnt know why i just have been. (ye that). to be honest i have been like it since i have come back off my holiday (yes, the cruise). but slowly my memories are fading away and slowly my photographic memory isnt recalling pictures. i cry ramdomly, i crave chocolate and my dreams are awful. it is seriously affecting my sleeping pattern.
depression? exam stress?

i dunno. i havent felt as bad as this in a long time (thats why my blog is crap cos ive been 'depressed' (that is what i have convinced myself anyway))

ok, so now i am happy. i have my first follower ( other than me - yes, how sad i am following my own blog, but thats the way it is). yes, thanks Bali (me and the rain person). i am happy now. but my horoscope says i will be very talkative next week so thats a bonus??? anyway, i wont keep you ;)

A x

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

i want to kiss you under your umbrella.

right guys,
sorry guys,
i apologize.

my blog is officially the worst blog i have ever read. i have nothing to talk about so it isnt interesting so i fill it with anger and sadness. what a great impression you have of me.

Actually... i had an exam today. an AS exam. maths. i hear you ask, ooh so shes in 6th form. well you are wrong, i am in year 9. hahaha , no seriously. i am.

Thats it really...

but if only someone read my blog... i mean who blogs these days anyway??? :/ hmmm...

i shall go and enjoy my arctic roll now ;) how i love arctic roll...
*nom nom nom*

Welcome to the gaybar

if nobody ever reads this i may as well just put anything i like on here...


L is for liers
O is for outrageous
V is for vicious
E is for everlasting love?, my arse.

I hate school.
I hate homework.
I hate the weather.
I hate humans.
I hate the past.
I hate the present.
I hate me.
I hate life.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

strawberry tarts... something we really shouldnt see

Right ok, first of all i would like to ask you to comment. yes, you heard me :D . this is because... it would make me feel nice :/ but anyway who would want to read this...

Straight to the point. Sophie Minto, ok, even the name sends me into hysterics. she was once an ordinary child like you and me; kind, generous, etc. etc. until she discovered make-up that is - and oh, i almost forgot HAIRDYE!
i have never seen such a state in all my life. i mean, what is wrong with having ginger (it was strawberry blonde acualy but anyway...) hair??? but i beg you, please dont dye it, well in sophies terms that would be bleached. oh dear, what a mess she had made. some pars white, some still ginger, it was a total failure if you ask me. 3 years later she still has that hair, straightened near till its death and bleached to an inch of its life.

i feel sorry for what the hair has to go through.

then theres the orangeyness of the face. yes, one of the fairest skinned people i know was wearing bright orange foundation. with bright pink lipSTICK . yes you heard me, what a disaster. And most of all there was a tanline!! arghh!!!!!!!

ok i think youve had enough now (of me ranting that is)


Monday, 7 June 2010

the past... the present

ok... all this stuff is new to me so i bid you to be prepared!!!
Today. today, a new half term. yey i am so glad : i understand that school years are the best years of your life but i just can't seem to help myself to dislike shcool. yes my marks are good, yes all my friends are there, but i just want to be free to do my own thing.
Today went fast - thank god. but i still wish it was last week. cruising round the med with my grandparents and my two cousins. ok my granny was moaning all the time, ok ben* (*name changed for security purposes ;) ) was doing my head in. but someone made the trip worthwhile :) . the thing is i didnt even know his name... i never talked to him but yet i felt so deeply. how? i dont understand myself. some music i listened to while i was there i can no longer listen to because it hurts. for gods sake i didnt even know him. but the thing is i didnt see him for days. until the bus to the carpark on the way home that was. i was thrilled. when i got off the bus i saw him standing there with his parents, i was somehow disheartened because he didnt even take a look at me (yes, selfish i know) but the thing is, every time i saw him he would just look at me or keep glancing at me. it just wasnt right. but i knew that would be the last time i would see him. so i thought i would just be happy with seeing him.
Soon after i found out someone had knicked my grandads suitcase, i just felt something inside me think it was him or he knew something or had something to do with it. i had no reason though, only he wasnt looking at me, he maybe didnt even know who i was or didnt even look at me in the first place. it is now being treated as theft. i just have such a strong gut feeling but i cant confess... and if it was him how could i feel for someone like that not even knowing anything about him.