Sunday, 11 July 2010


to be honest i no longer HATE 'Andrea' *name changed for security (as usual). in fact i tried bonding with her the other day. That was until the air was filled with frances' jealousy - it honked, the whole room stunk of frances' jealousy infact. 

Alton towers was amazing (as it should be). the bus ride on the way home was the best bit though david was sick all over, it was hilaruious, but it stunk. 'Helen' nicked his banana too which he won for 'Rachel' because he fancied her. hahaha.

i broke my watch though...

And my phone...   :/

Doesnt it just do your head in when people dont respect your view on things? They only think theyre right and dont accept anybody elses view. I know what people think can be overpowering sometimes but cant you at least respect their viewpoint????     AARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!

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