Sunday, 24 July 2011

New blog

Thursday, 9 September 2010

A Nice Little Sing Song

A lovestruck Romeo, sings the streets of serenade

Laying everybody low with a love song that he made
Find a streetlight, steps out of the shade
Says something like, "You and me, babe, how about it?"

Juliet says, "Hey, it's Romeo, you nearly gave me a heart attack"
He's underneath the window, she's singing
Hey, la, my boyfriend's back"
You shouldn't come around here, singing up at people like that
Anyway what you gonna do about it?

Juliet, the dice was loaded from the start
And I bet and you exploded in my heart
And I forget, I forget the movie song
When you gonna realize, it was just that the time was wrong, Juliet?

Come up on different streets, they both were streets of shame
Both dirty, both mean, yes and the dream was just the same
And I dream your dream for you and now your dream is real
How can you look at me, as if I was just another one of your deals?

you can fall for chains of silver, you can fall for chains of gold
You can fall for pretty strangers and the promises they hold
You promised me everything, you promised me thick and thin
Now you just say, "Oh, Romeo, yeah, you know
I used to have a scene with him"

Juliet, when we made love, you used to cry
I said, "I love you like the stars above, "I love you till I die"
And there's a place for us, you know the movie song
When you gonna realize, it was just that the time was wrong, Juliet?

I can't do the talk like the talk on the TV
And I can't do a love song like the way it's meant to be
I can't do everything but I'd do anything for you
I Can't do anything except be in love with you

And all I do is miss you and the way we used to be
All I do is keep the beat, the bad company
And all I do is kiss you, through the bars of a rhyme
Juliet, I'd do the stars with you any time

Juliet, when we made love, you used to cry
I said, "I love you like the stars above, I'll love you till I die"
And there's a place for us, you know the movie song
When you gonna realize, it was just that the time was wrong, Juliet?

A lovestruck Romeo, he sings the streets of serenade
Laying everybody low with a love song that he made
Find a convenient streetlight, steps out of the shade
He says something like, "You and me, babe, how about it?"

The Killers - Romeo and Julliet

Thursday, 2 September 2010

school, school, school.

school started today. my timetable seems rubbish. we did nothing all morning - i didnt have to go in until 10:45 anyway. had lunch. went back to form. then i had double p.e . great stuff!  none of us had our pe kits. we played rounders. the whole class got sent inside. chatted. bell went. home.

thats my day in a nutshell!

i went to scotland on the bank holiday weekend. it is the most beautiful place i have ever seen. we were staying in a cottage near eyemouth and chirnside (nearer chirnside) a couple of miles from the east border. on sunday we went to holy island (in england). the weather was very windy... then it started raining.   
on the monday we drove through the hills to edinburgh. i want to move  there. seriously. it is beautiful. not as big as i expected though. but i would definately go back!

A x

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

just a few quotes...

life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. so love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who dont and believe that everything happens for a reason. if you get a chance take it. if it changes your life, let it. nobody said itd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

i believe everything happens for a reason. people change so you can learn how to let go. things go wrong, so that you appreciate them when theyre right. you believe lise, so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

laugh your heart out. dance in the rain, cherish the moment, ignore the pain, live, laugh, love, forgive and forget, lifes too short to be, living with regrets.

dream as if youll live forever. live as if youll die tomorrow.

"sometimes you need to run away just to see who will come after you."

" i am too positive, to be doubtfu. too optimistic, to be fearful. and too determined, to be defeted."

watch your thoughts, they become words. watch your words, they become actions. watch your actions, they become habits. watch your habits they become your character. watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

love me without fear, trust me without doubts, love me without restrictions, want me without demand, accept me for how i am.

move on. its just a chapter in the past. but dont close the book, just turn the page.

"you never know how strong you are... until being strong is the only choice you have."

never give up on something you cant go a day without thinking about.

"being happy doesnt mean everything is perfect. it means youve decided to see beyond the imperfections.

dont find love, let love find you. thats why its called falling in love, because you dont force yourself to fall, you just fall.

theres always a little truth behind every 'just kidding' a little knowledge behind every 'i dont know' a little emotion behind every 'i dont care' and a little pain behind every 'its okay'.

live with no excuses and love with no regrets

" i dont know why we all hang on to something we know were better off letting go. its like were sscared to lose what we really dont even have. some of us say wed rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is... to have something halfway is harder than not having it at all."

smile every minute of the day. you never know who is falling in love with it.

" if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain"

shoot for the moon. even if you miss, youll land among the stars.

whats meant to be will always find its way.

yesterday is history. tomorrow is a mystery. today is a gift. thats why its called the present...

strength is nothing moree than how well you hide the pain.

" the greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."

sometimes all you can do is laugh to keep yourself from crying.

"dont tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon"

be the change you wish to see in the world- ghandi

"its not who you are that holds you bsck, its who you think your not"

when you feel like giving up, remember why you held on in the first place.

if you dont go after what you want youll never have it. if you dont ask the answer is always no. if you dont step forward youre always in the same place.

i have not failed. ive just found 10,000 ways that dont work. - thomas edison

"never take life too seriously. nobody gets out alive anyway"

always be a first rate version of yourself rather than a second rate version of someone else.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

I love.

I love music.
I love feeling the bass in my bones, through my skin, in my ears.    Satisfaction.
I love music with depth, with meaning.

"You don't listen to music, you feel."

I love the fact that there is music for everyone, whoever you are, wherever you may be.
I love making music, having control, BEING in control.
I love lyrics the way they bore into your mind, reminding you of certain people, certain events, certain books. you.

"Music feeds my soul"

i seem to be a little late

days and days have passed since i last posted on here.

the summer holidays have passed, flown  by. yet nothing seems to have been done. a traction rally, a country fair, a stately home...  saw souting for girls :)
it seems to be all

the rain pours down in the afternoons. i sometimes want to be sitting in it, feeling the freshness of it on my skin. feeling cleansed. feeling right.

i had two teeth out for my braces to be fitted. - 2 weeks ago

Everyone seemed to be looking at me funny today. i wondered why. everyone always seems to be looking at me. maybe im just paranoid. maybe everyone IS looking at me. Why?

Monday, 2 August 2010

tortoise sitting

im tortoise sitting for my auntie lisas tortoise!!   yipeeee!!     hes called boris :D

he didnt get up until 11 'o' clock -->   thats after me!    plus he went to bed at about 9 bless him.

At the moment he's doing some stretches  AND hes trying to escape which is unlikley that he'd do so. oh, and he eats , A LOT.

A x